Dear colleagues, dear friends,
We hope this newsletter finds you well. After a long summer break ENViL’s board would like to get in touch with you again and deliver some information about current and coming issues, meetings as well as the InSEA world conference in Korea.
Coming ENViL conference
ENViL’s next conference will deal with three topics, 1) assessment of VL, 2) assignments to foster VL, and 3) VL in early childhood education. It will take place in Paris, 12 – 13 March 2018, and its intention is to inform about existing research, develop new questions and initiate new research. A trilingual publication in French, English and German is planned. An invitation will be sent out soon.
European InSEA Conference in Helsinki, 18-21 June
ENViL is invited to contribute to this important meeting by informing about the CEFR_VL framework and latest developments. We plan to hold workshops on the application of the CEFR_VL in diverse contexts, such as assessment, museum education, assignments, curriculum development, competence levels, differentiation among age groups, formal and non-formal education. If you are interested in taking an active role, please let us know.
The general call for papers is published here: . The deadline for proposals is October 13, 2017.
Working groups
Working Group «VL and art museums»
Based on the joint experience of Museum M in Leuven, Belgium, and ENViL the working group is ready to enter a new phase in its development by including new museums from the USA and European countries as well as further scientific approaches like visitor research, museum sociology, and psychology. A first workshop with participants from all over Europe and the USA to discuss the topics and develop options to trigger new research will take place in Munich in January 2018. At this occasion, we will also explore the possibilities for a public conference within 2018.
Working Group «Theory»
The working group was joined by three new members, Dennis Atkinson (UK), Raphael Vella (Malta), and Bernard Darras (France), at the InSEA world conference in Daegu. A vivid discussion has started already, tackling topics like ‘concepts and terms’, ‘art and artistic’, ‘ethics’, ‘production and reception’. If you are interested in these topics, please take a look at the documents in the respective Dropbox folder. If you don’t have access to the folder, please inform the editor of the newsletter.
Working Group «Refining the model»
A new working group was founded by Andrea Kárpáti (H), Diederik Schoenau (NL), Bernard Darras (F) and Ernst Wagner (D). The group will explore possibilities (or need) for redrafting or revising the competence structural model we use in the CEFR_VL. The impulse for this was given by Bernard’s presentation in Daegu and his proposal of a new concept for such a model. The first meeting is scheduled for March 2018. The coming newsletters will inform about the discussion.
Coming events and meetings – Save the date!
- Workshop on Visual Literacy and Art Museums in Munich, January 12-13
- ENViL Conference in Paris, March 12-13, 2018
- European InSEA Congress in Helsinki, June 18 – 21, 2018
Presentations by ENViL members at the InSEA World Conference 2017
At the InSEA world conference in Daegu, Korea, ENViL had the chance to give several presentations at workshops. In his keynote, Bernard Darras gave an excellent introduction on the work already done and his conceptual thoughts. His ideas on the further development of ENViL’s competence model were of great interest.
Franz Billmayer talked about “Using the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy for analysing a curriculum in the age of digitalization”. In his research, he used ‘The Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy’ (CEFR-VL) as a tool for analysing existing curricula in different states of Germany. -> read more
Talita Groenendijk gave a presentation on her joint research with Andrea Karpati on “Self-assessment & Visual rubrics based on CEFR-VL”. She asked to what extent the visual rubrics are a feasible and valid instrument for assessing production and reception activities in secondary art education. -> read more
Two presentations were given by Andrea Kárpáti. The first one, “Women create space”, offered insights into a skills development program designed to empower female architecture and engineering students. -> read more. The second presentation, “Moholy-Nagy Visual Modules”, showcased a Hungarian curriculum design experiment, piloting in 30 schools between 2016 and 2020 that is based on the CEFR-VL and reveals developmental stages of key visual literacy skills. -> read more
Gabriella Pataky raised the following question: “How is the optimal space for art education created, based on the CEFR_VL?” In her presentation, she reported about her work on mapping basic elements of artistic and art educational environments. -> read more
Diederik Schönau, in his workshop, presented the new final examination program for art appreciation in the Netherlands and compared it with the European Reference Framework for Visual Literacy. -> read more
Finally, Ernst Wagner delivered a report on the interim results of the working group on developing new concepts for visual arts education in art museums by using the CEFR-VL. -> read more
ENViL’s Board
Andrea Karpati from Hungary is a new member of the board. She will help to handle the increasing work that has to be done. Thank you, Andrea, and a warm welcome!
Franz Billmayer is working on the total relaunch of the website. So please have some patience until the new version is available.
If you would like to send contributions to the next newsletter, please leave a message.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Paris, in Helsinki, or in the context of the working groups.
Christiane Herth, chair, and Ernst Wagner, editor of the newsletter
On behalf of the board, Franz Billmayer (Austria), Folkert Haanstra (Netherlands), Christiane Herth (France), Andrea Kárpáti (Hungary), Gabriella Pataky (Hungary), Diederik Schönau (Netherlands), Ernst Wagner (Germany)
Download ENViL Newsletter 03_2017