By Folkert Haanstra, Ernst Wagner on behalf of the European Network for Visual Literacy (ENViL) CEFR_VL Introduction
Category: General
Kárpáti Andrea and Pataky Gabriella: The European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy The European Network for Visual Literacy (ENViL), a European network of art educators, curriculum developers, researchers and teacher trainers for…
Pataky presentation InSEA-World Conference Daegu, South Korea, 2017 I am currently working on mapping basic elements of artistic and art educational environments, based on the CEFR_VL. This is my new project, how to…
– the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy in practice. A Hungarian curriculum design experiment, piloted in 30 schools in 2016-2020, is based on the CEFR-VL to reveal developmental stages of key…
Ernst Wagner, Diederik Schönau (Editors) Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour la Visual Literacy – Prototype Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy – Prototype Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Visual Literacy – Prototyp Avec le Cadre Européen…
Immediately after the meeting in Budapest, the ENVIL-Board decided to return to the previous network concept. By introducing the second working language English the network wants to open to new visitors from other…
Constanze Kirchner/TanyaGotta-Leger/MarleneNockmann Qualitativ-empirische Auswertung einer ländervergleichenden Expertenbefragung Die qualitativ-empirische Auswertung einer ländervergleichenden Expertenbefragung in Europa legt die inhaltliche Basis für das Gesamtvorhaben, einen europäischen Referenzrahmen für das Fach Kunst zu entwickeln. Expertenaussagen zu Inhalten, Intentionen und Zielen des…