European Network for Visual Literacy

Author: Franz Billmayer

Talita Groenendijk: Self-assessment & Visual rubrics based on CEFR-VL

To what extent are the visual rubrics based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy (CEFR-VL) a feasible and valid instrument for assessing production and reception activities in secondary art…

Ernst Wagner. How ENViL’s “Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy” can be applied to art museums

The “Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy” (CEFR-VL) is an instrument to describe and reflect art education practice in specific settings. Ernst Wagner gave a short introduction into the basics of…

Diederik Schönau. Visual Literacy and the experience of art

In his presentation Diederik Schönau used the prototype of the Framework (CEFR-VL) to make a comparison between the sub-competencies as described in the CEFR-VL model and the ones used in the new (compulsory)…

Franz Billmayer. Art Curriculum & Digitalization.

envil_presentation_curriculum Using the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy for analysing a curriculum in the age of digitalization. (F. Billmayer) This paper was presented at the InSEA Word Congress 2017 in…

Development of plastic art skills

Dr PATAKY, Gabriella (PhD, ELTE TÓK, Budapest, Hungary) Development of plastic art skills from the ages of 3 to 7 in the light of CEFR_VL competency model. Diagnostic tests of the three-dimensional artwork…

The Situation Wheel – a Tool for Designing Situation Based Assignment in Art Education

Situation Wheel for Constructing Assignment pdf Situation Circle A Tool for Designing Situation Based Assignments in Art Education

Věra Uhl Skřivanová: BUKO15 – Slepé skvrny

Věra Uhl Skřivanová: BUKO15 – Slepé skvrny. Mezinárodní kongres Mozarteum Salzburg 2015 > PDF Věra Uhl Skřivanová: Vergleichende Pädagogik als Basis internationaler Forschungen und Dokumente. BUKO15 – Blinde Flecken. Internationaler Kongress Mozarteum Salzburg 2015. > PDF

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