Dr PATAKY, Gabriella (PhD, ELTE TÓK, Budapest, Hungary)

Development of plastic art skills from the ages of 3 to 7 in the light of CEFR_VL competency model.
Diagnostic tests of the three-dimensional artwork (3D) within the system of visual education

The speed with which our visual world changes means that the visual development of children in their equally swiftly evolving culture requires special awareness. Previously published models of scientific visual research skills and reinterpretations of the pictorial clichés are only partially helpful to traditional teachers who wish to cope with the particular challenges of today. Mitchell has long argued that there has been a visual turn “In What Do Pictures Want?”

According to the research findings of the diagnostics methods two-dimensional imaging exercises are disproportionately emphasised in visual education both at nursery and infant schools. Previous research in the form of an online questionnaire for focus groups, parents, nursery school teachers and primary school teachers reveals that exercises in the area of 2D visual expression dominate while object making (3D) exercises and the time spent on them, as well as the quality of work all fall far behind – despite the recommendations of the National Curriculum 2010 (and 2013) education management documents.

This research therefore focuses on actual models of contemporary children’s work: comprehensive (both two and three-dimensional) visual skill development plays a crucial role in personal development. A set of measurements enable evaluation of the three-dimensional visual skill levels of plastic art and construction work of children aged between 3 and 7, and focus on drafting an appropriate system of tools to assess skills applied in everyday life such as creative problem solving, material and tool use, space-perception, planning, sign creation and interpretation, and experimentation.

The structure and our research are in compliance with the European structure of competences, established by the ENViL research group, with support from InSEA Europe. I am most interested in a wide-ranging methodology for evaluating visual education, with constant feedback guaranteeing the deliberateness and quality of the pedagogical processes.



Pataky, Gabriella (2017): Nicht anfassen!Veränderung der zeichnerischen und plastischen Fähigkeiten von Kinder im Vergleich von heute mit 1974. Werkspuren 2/2017. Zürich.  werkspuren.ch

Pataky Gabriella (2017): Plasztikai képességek fejlődése 3–7 éves korban a CEFR_VL kompetenciamodell tükrében. Diagnosztikus vizsgálat a síkbeli (2D) és a térbeli (3D) alkotások köréből a vizuális nevelés rendszerében. Gyermeknevelés, 5. 1. sz., 171-187.


Gabriella Pataky: Development of Plastic Art Skills from the Ages of Three to Seven in the Light of CEFR_VL Competency Model. Diagnostic Tests of the Three-dimensional Artwork (3D) within the System of Visual Education

www.didactic-art.org <http://www.didactic-art.org/>

InSEA European Regional Conference “ART_DESIGN EDUCATION IN TIMES OF CHANGE” Vienna 2016. University of Applied Arts Vienna. 22-24 September 2016