An expert survey carried out across Europe provides an overview of the national curricula in the subjects Art / Visual Arts / Design / and their competency models. The survey is divided into two sections. The first section concerns curriculum data, like year of publication, authors, subject fields, terminology and structural information on competency standards, competency levels and competence dimensions. The second section involves open-ended questions, that are empirically evaluated on a qualitative basis. The results provide information about the educational contexts of the curricula in art, the competency-based understanding of education, about the areas of learning, about educational goals (such as promoting creativity), and on participatory processes in the development of curricula. Special attention is paid to competence dimensions in art, which are subject to a detailed comparison. This results in first reflections on a European concept of competence and in a possible structural model, that captures the areas of competencies in art. It should be noted that all European countries are seeking to assure the quality in art on the basis of educational standards in relation to enhancement of art competencies.

Constanze Kirchner/Folkert Haanstra

> Document/PDF German