The 3th CEFR_VL workshop was held at the Pedagogical University in Vienna. In the center of the session stood the modelling of three age-independent competence levels in terms of elementary / basal, advanced and expert skills in dealing with pictures. This is based on the competence structure model which was the re-presented by Constanze Kirchner. Topics that were actively discussed were the scope of the subject matter, Visual Literacy ‘, presented by Franz Billmayer, the contribution of our subjects to ‘General Education’ presented by Carl-Peter Buschkühle, and concepts for suitable assignments, expounded by Ernst Wagner.
At the Congress of Art Education on February 13 in Salzburg, a delegation of ENViL members will present both the current competence structure model (Gabriella Pataky / Constanze Kirchner / Rolf Laven), as well as the question of the scope of the subject matter and appropriate tasks (Ernst Wagner / Katrin Zapp).
The second day of the working meeting was marked by progress reports from work on various topics. Folkert Haanstra presented a revised research design for the area of assessment, related to the competence structure model, Marc Fritzsche explained the work on the glossary and the operators. Ernst Wagner spoke, together with Katrin Zapp, about the competence orientation in German art education, as well as general, international competence concepts. The conclusion of the meeting was Andrea Karpati’s comprehensive and informative overview of ‘Visual literacy’ in European and Anglo-Saxon curricula.