ENViL’s recent conference took place in Paris, March 12 – 13, 2018 More than forty participants from thirteen countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and…
Sorry it is in German. Gaze Mapping und „areas of interest“ von Novizen und Experten bei Lösungsstrategien zur Messung von Bildkompetenz presentation Präsentation_A-Dok-Ulm
WIR BRAUCHEN IHRE UNTERSTÜTZUNG! Wir sind auf der Suche nach engagierten Kunstlehrkräften der Sekundarstufe I: ▸▸ Für das Schuljahr 2017/18 suchen wir insgesamt 40 Lehrkräfte in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hessen und Bayern ▸▸ Sie sollten…
Diederik Schönau Renaming the Framework (pdf) Introduction On March 12, 2018, the Board of ENViL decided to rename the ‘Common European Framework for Visual Literacy’ into: ‘Common European Framework of Visual Competency (acronym:…
Comparative studies concerning models of Visual Literacy and their approaches of competencies development Bernard DARRAS Sorbonne University Paris 1 ACTE Institute Bernard Darras is Professor of Semiotics at the Sorbonne University Paris 1…
Folkert Haanstra Workshop ENViL Paris March 2018 Workshop_Paris_Haanstra
The Dutch lower vocational final examination in the visual arts Diederik Schönau Workshop ENViL Paris March 2018 Workshop_Paris_Schönau
Competencies in Art Education: Structure, Assessment and Assignments in Diverse Educational Contexts Paris, ESPE, March 12-13, 2018 Ulrich Frick, Miles Tallon, Katrin Rakoczy, Susanne Weiß Interim Report on the German Approach to Quantitative…
Competencies in Art Education: Assignment, Assessment and Educational Contexts ENViL conference, Paris, March 12 – 13, 2018 Introduction to the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Competency: background and consequences. Keynote_diederik_schoenau Diederik…
Hungarian final examinations in „Visual culture” and „Art History” (Andrea Kárpáty) Karpati Hungarian final examinations ENViL Paris 2018.03.12_13 Presentation at the ENViL Conference, March 2018 in Paris “Competencies in Art Education: Structure, Assessment…