Carl-Peter Buschkühle, Dennis Atkinson, and Raphael Vella (2020): Art – Ethics – Education. (Series: Doing Arts Thinking: Arts Practice, Research and Education, Volume: 7), Leiden: Brill.
Paperback ISBN: 978-90-04-43070-9 <with link tot>

In the Preface to this book reference is made to the ENViL research project on the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy, as published in 2016. It gives a critical view on some of the opinions within the ENViL project with regard to what art and art education is or should be about. The Editors of the Framework publication, members of the project, and members of the Working Group on Theory, Diederik Schönau and Ernst Wagner, have written a Comment on this Preface.

You can read the Preface, the Comment ant the Response on the ENViL website ( under Activities > Working Groups > Working Group on Artistic Theory > Theory as well.