Immediately after the meeting in Budapest, the ENVIL-Board decided to return to the previous network concept. By introducing the second working language English the network wants to open to new visitors from other European countries.
In the future, ENViL will consist of several thematic working groups to deal with subprojects. ENViL forms the frame for these groups and gives them the possibility to exchange. ENViL as platform for the individual projects, meets in the future twice a year, to discuss the results of the subprojects, and to observe and promote the dissemination of CEFR_VL. In Budapest following subprojects were decided:
- Competency levels (headed by Ernst Wagner, D)
- Rubrics (headed by Folkert Haanstra, NL)
- Tasks (headed by Gabriella Pataky, Hu)
- Visual Literacy in the museum (headed by Lode Vermeersch, Be)
- Theory (headed by Carl-Peter Buschkühle, D)
- Policy (headed by Piet Hagenaars, NL)
ENVIL Meeting in Vienna, 21. September 2016, 13:00 – 18:00
Haus 1., Raum 1.0.041
Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
Grenzackerstraße 18
A 1100 Wien
ENViL Plenary Meeting at Museum M in Leuven, Belgium, 21 November 2016.
We will decide on the agenda of this meeting in Vienna.
It would be helpful for our planning to know whether you will be able to attend. (Leuven is 20 minutes from Brussels Airport.)