‘My expectation is that the various forms of monitoring and mapping and a long-term portal of this kind will clearly lead to more information and, as a reference point, be helpful in forming…
Author: Werner Fütterer
The central practical exam (CPE) for lower vocational education (VMBO) (age ± 16 years) is part of the central final examinations during which students have to take nationwide exams in Dutch, English and…
In education, assessment is the counterpart of instruction and learning: it answers the question as to how far the intended results of educational efforts have been met. These results can be described and…
Based on empirical research, this study aims to identify, evaluate and define the qualities of teachers’ competencies in teaching Visual Literacy with regard to the newly defined ‘expected outcomes’ of the Czech curriculum…
Curricula, frameworks, standards: differing genres, similar intentions to scaffold visual literacy. In this section, curricula or similar documents of national significance for the discipline(s) covering art education in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and…
Assessing students is considered a complex issue in art education. For many art teachers the artistic process remains associated with unpredictability and individuality, whereas assessment stands for predictability and comparison. However, when a…
Art teacher J. works at a secondary school in The Netherlands. Her students in grade ten (15-16 years) have a broad assignment with many options: they have to choose from several themes: Human…
A successful final conference of the Comenius project took place in Budapest on the 11th and 12th of February 2016. The project “Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy: CEFR_VL” originated from…
Das Projekt „Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Visual Literacy“ (Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy: CEFR_VL) entstand 2012/13 aus dem ENViL-Netzwerk (European Network Visual Literacy) heraus. Es wurde von der Europäischen Union seit 2014…
Constanze Kirchner/TanyaGotta-Leger/MarleneNockmann Qualitativ-empirische Auswertung einer ländervergleichenden Expertenbefragung Die qualitativ-empirische Auswertung einer ländervergleichenden Expertenbefragung in Europa legt die inhaltliche Basis für das Gesamtvorhaben, einen europäischen Referenzrahmen für das Fach Kunst zu entwickeln. Expertenaussagen zu Inhalten, Intentionen und Zielen des…