by Tedi E. Asher; Peter Carpreau; Lode Vermeersch; Ernst Wagner Abstract: In this paper four experts, all involved in art education but with different backgrounds, analyse, apply, and challenge the concept of visual…
Category: working groups
Tedi E. Asher; Peter Carpreau; Lode Vermeersch & Ernst Wagner (2020), ‘Conversations on Visual Literacy, Resonance, and a Found Cat’, in Gramotnost, Pregramotnost, A Uzdelávání 4, 3, 73—93. Lode Vermeersch, Ernst Wagner &…
In this paper a new model is presented as an elaboration of the sixteen sub-competencies as presented in the CEFR-VL (Wagner & Schönau 2016). Researchers are invited to consider this new model in…
integrating art, technology and science education in the Austrian community programs at the Venice Architecture Biennale, 2018 Andrea Kárpáti Corvinus University of Budapest Visual Culture Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of…
An emerging model to appropriate the “two cultures” in education, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) is in the focus of this working group. We want to identify models that develop synergies…
Teresa Torres-Eça & Diederik Schönau Workshop at the InSEA conference 2018 in Helsinki. In this workshop participants will get a hands-on introduction to assessment of studio work based on the prototype of…
Sorry it is in German. Gaze Mapping und „areas of interest“ von Novizen und Experten bei Lösungsstrategien zur Messung von Bildkompetenz presentation Präsentation_A-Dok-Ulm
WIR BRAUCHEN IHRE UNTERSTÜTZUNG! Wir sind auf der Suche nach engagierten Kunstlehrkräften der Sekundarstufe I: ▸▸ Für das Schuljahr 2017/18 suchen wir insgesamt 40 Lehrkräfte in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hessen und Bayern ▸▸ Sie sollten…
Folkert Haanstra Workshop ENViL Paris March 2018 Workshop_Paris_Haanstra
The Dutch lower vocational final examination in the visual arts Diederik Schönau Workshop ENViL Paris March 2018 Workshop_Paris_Schönau