The European Network for Visual Literacy (ENViL), in collaboration with ESPE of Paris, (University Paris-Sorbonne- Paris 4) and Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris 1) invite you to:
“Competencies in Art Education: Structure, Assessment and Assignments in Diverse Educational Contexts”. Conference, 12-13 March 2018, Paris.
Venue: ESPE, 10 rue Molitor, 75016 Paris
Date: March 12th 2018, 13:30 – March 13th 2018, 18:00
In 2016 ENViL published the CEFR-VL (Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy), the first transnational and European description of the area of learning known as ‘Visual Literacy’ in formal and non-formal art education. Two years later, it is now time to share an overview of the results of the various educational projects and assessment studies that were developed on the basis of this framework, and to look ahead to new and emerging partnerships and projects.
Through plenary sessions and workshops, ENViL will present and discuss current issues about visual culture and competency-based teaching and learning practices.
If you wish to attend the conference, please click on the registration link or contact us at
Registration will provide access to relevant digital documents, including the essential parts of the framework in French, English and German.
Monday March 12, 2018
First session (Afternoon. 13:30)
4 keynotes: response to /critique of the CEFR_VL (30’ each) + reflections (5’)
Topic 1: Assessment
Keynote (30’): Diederik Schönau (NL)
Reflection on the keynote (5’) by Hans Örtegren (S)
Topic 2: Assignments : tasks in the context of learning situations
Keynote (30’): Christiane Herth
Reflection on the keynote (5’) by Jacqueline Guiyoule
Topic 3: Early childhood education : What does the CEFR_VL mean for early childhood education?
Keynote (30’): Gabriella Pataky
Reflection on the keynote (5’) by Sylvain Fabre (F)
Topic 4 : Comparative studies concerning the main models of Visual Literacy and their approaches of competencies development
Keynote (30’): Bernard Darras (F) Reflection on the keynote (5’)
Tuesday March 13, 2018.
First session (morning) and second session (13h30 – 15h30)
Three parallel workshops
Input: state of art, case studies.
Participants are kindly invited to bring material related to the workshop topics: examples of studio work (ppt) plus the assignments, examples of learning situations, examination questions or essays on art appreciation, etc.
workshop 1 assessment (Folkert Haanstra, Andrea Kárpáty, Diederik Schönau)
workshop on assessment, both formative (self) assessment as well as summative assessment in the form of final examinations of secondary education.
Presentations in the Workshop
Andrea Kárpáty
Studio work in Hungary related to ENViL competencies
Karpati Studio work in Hungary ENViL Paris 2018.03.12_13
Online diagnostic tests for „Visual culture” and „Art History”
Karpati Online diagnostic tests ENViL Paris 2018.03.12_13
Hungarian final examinations in „Visual culture” and „Art History”
Karpati Hungarian final examinations ENViL Paris 2018.03.12_13
workshop 2 assignments (Christiane Herth)
workshop on assignments, analysis of experiences, processes and practices in visual competencies development.
workshop 3 early childhood (Gabriella Pataky)
workshop on early childhood. Specific issues on the ENViL CEFR_VL, as a tool for art education in early chidhood education and its teacher training programs.
Third session (16:00- 18:00)
Plenary session:
Reports of workshops
Topic Visual Literacy in Cultural Education
Keynote: Ulrich Frick (D) Report on the quantitative German approach (BKKB)