European Network for Visual Literacy

Category: General

Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy (CEFR-VL) – Introduction

By Folkert Haanstra, Ernst Wagner on behalf of the European Network for Visual Literacy (ENViL) CEFR_VL Introduction

Kárpáti A. and Pataky G.: The European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy

Kárpáti Andrea and Pataky Gabriella: The European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy The European Network for Visual Literacy (ENViL), a European network of art educators, curriculum developers, researchers and teacher trainers for…

Gabriella Pataky. How is the optimal space for art education created, based on the CEFR_VL?

Pataky presentation InSEA-World Conference Daegu, South Korea, 2017 I am currently working on mapping basic elements of artistic and art educational environments, based on the CEFR_VL. This is my new project, how to…

Andrea Kárpáti. Moholy-Nagy Visual Modules

– the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy in practice.  A Hungarian curriculum design experiment, piloted in 30 schools in 2016-2020, is based on the CEFR-VL to reveal developmental stages of key…


Ernst Wagner,  Diederik Schönau (Editors) Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour la Visual Literacy – Prototype Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy – Prototype Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Visual Literacy – Prototyp Avec le Cadre Européen…

ENViL 2016/17 – and what happens next

Immediately after the meeting in Budapest, the ENVIL-Board decided to return to the previous network concept. By introducing the second working language English the network wants to open to new visitors from other…

Curriculare Strukturen des Kunstunterrichts in Europa

Constanze Kirchner/TanyaGotta-Leger/MarleneNockmann Qualitativ-empirische Auswertung einer ländervergleichenden Expertenbefragung Die qualitativ-empirische Auswertung einer ländervergleichenden Expertenbefragung in Europa legt die inhaltliche Basis für das Gesamtvorhaben, einen europäischen Referenzrahmen für das Fach Kunst zu entwickeln. Expertenaussagen zu Inhalten, Intentionen und Zielen des…

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