ENViL has been invited by the International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA) and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Visual Literacy (JVL) to edit a Special Issue on Informal and formal learning in the domain of Visual Literacy.
The contributions should relate to one or more of the following aspects of current research and practice on learning in the domain of visual literacy / education.
1. What are the existing or desirable common learning goals and expected learning outcomes in the domain of visual literacy, including museum learning and art based skills enhancement?
2. How can the Framework be applied in formal and informal educational contexts and situations?
Summary of the CEFR-VC (2016) and the revised CEFR-VC (2020)
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (about 500 words , 1 page A4) in Word to both Guest Editors by November 30, 2020:
Andrea Kárpáti, andrea.karpati@uni-corvinus.hu
Diederik Schönau: dwschonau@gmail.com
For the complete Call see: Call for contributions JVL Special Issue
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